you look happy in that picture

bright eyes with a gigantic smile

you live your life without sparing me any minutes of it

but i still live my life loving you with every second of it

i know the only way to stop thinking of you is to block you from my life

not to check your social networks

not to get online

not to message you

not to invite you to anything

not to have you as the first person in my mind to express any news

not to expect your appearance at any point

i know the only way to stop loving you is to put you back in that box and bury it deeper inside

but knowing isn’t doing

people say, when the time comes…

but when will be that time?

people say, it’d all be a joke when i look back one day

but what if i like that joke and want to see it come through the rest of my life?

people say, time heals

but how long?



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